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Take the State of the Streaming Fall 2020 Survey

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The streaming industry has gone through significant changes since 流媒体 released the inaugural State of Streaming report 2020年3月初. From the significant uptick in video on demand (VOD) and work-from-home streaming to an equally large dip in large-scale, live-event streaming, we’ve seen streaming needs and scale dramatically change.

How have the changes affected you and your organization? That’s a major focus of the new State of Streaming Fall 2020 survey, and we’d like your help understanding just how much the industry has changed in the last 6 months. In conjunction with Help Me Stream and Unisphere研究, we invite you to provide your responses to 30 questions that should take less than 20 minutes of your time.

Data captured in this survey will only be used in aggregate form, and individual respondents will not be identified by name or organization. The anonymous survey is geared towards the perspectives of content providers, content distributors, and professional industry experts—like you and your colleagues—who are on the front lines of to deliver a quality streaming experience every day to your customers.

We’re looking for insights from all across the globe, not just Europe and North America. Besides asking about your current streaming insights, we are also gathering feedback on cutting-edge technologies like 5G and machine learning.

If you complete the survey by September 14 and provide your email address, you will receive two benefits. 第一个, you’ll get an advance copy of the report generated from the survey responses; second, you will be entered into a drawing to win a DJI Mavic Mini Fly 更多的 Combo drone package. Your email address will only be used for the purpose of delivering the advance copy of the report, 为了绘图, and notification of the winner.

Not only do your insights matter to us, but they are critical to help fully understand just how big the streaming industry truly is, both in revenue and viewership. Thanks in advance for your contribution!


for qualified subscribers
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