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Starz的Rob Collins谈论D2C流媒体应用开发 & 交付

蒂姆Siglin,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体, 罗布·柯林斯(Rob Collins)采访了他, 软件开发总监, Starz, to discuss streaming app development and 交付 in this exclusive interview from 流媒体 East 2023.

Siglin begins by asking Collins to describe his title and role at Starz.

“我是软件开发总监,”柯林斯说. “我大约从2016年开始就在Starz工作. 我有应用程序开发背景. 我是来帮助他们直接面向消费者(D2C)的, 帮助他们构建一些更大的应用程序, 诸如此类. 我喜欢它,就留下来了, 现在我是很多人的一部分, 流媒体, 诸如此类的事情.”

Siglin asks Collins to describe the talk he presented at 流媒体 East earlier that day, Multiple Platforms, Multiple CDNs: Challenges and Rewards. “It was mainly about a couple of different aspects of streaming,他说. “其中之一就是客户开发, 比如你如何处理不同的平台, 其中的应用程序开发部分. 这就是要点. 然后和cdn一起工作, some of the ways you can utilize them for effective streaming, 如何以经济的方式接近你的客户.”

“我知道你不在这儿 内容交付峰会 yesterday, but multi-CDN was certainly a topic there,” Siglin说. “这里有一个 interesting presentation by Yuriy Reznik from Brightcove talking about the mathematical step models to figure out how to use different multi-CDNs. 我假设Starz使用多个cdn.”

“确实如此,”柯林斯说. “What people might not realize about Starz is that we've been streaming since the Stone Age, 本质上. Since about 2004 or 2006, Starz [had a] partnership with 网飞公司. 那是和 职业 诸如此类. 所以这是一个逐渐成熟的过程.他当时就提到了这一点, working with multiple CDNs and command and control types of switching wasn't available.

Collins says that Starz now has a relatively robust set of client apps that are worked on by separate teams and platforms specialists, there is plenty of logging and instrumentation to check performance. “We're able to use that to do switching and do a configuration 诸如此类,他说. 关于使用更现代的方法, “We may go that direction if it is valuable enough to not only do that job but to justify the effort to make that change.”

Siglin asks if Starz is entirely Video on Demand (VOD), Collins confirms this. “So from that standpoint, the solutions already exist,” Siglin说.

柯林斯说:“我们是一种订阅服务. “我们没有广告层的计划. So when we go to a CDN, we have a fairly straightforward use case.”

Siglin说, “有一件事让我很着迷, 从Starz的角度来看我很好奇, 你在不同的平台上有这些专家, 不管它是 Roku or what have you…how do you deal with the decisions around long-tail legacy devices? 有人坐在 安卓 Lollipops…at what point do you say, ‘That's too old, we're going to move you forward on it?’”

柯林斯说,作为流媒体的早期进入者, Starz wants to be careful with how they handle 交付 on legacy devices. “我们的默认设置是不弃用,他说, but it ultimately must come down to good business decisions. 他讲述了他们合作的一个未命名的平台, which they had been trying to deprecate for an extended period of time. They finally got an agreement to end the use of the outdated tech, which led to the client team all signing the legacy device and sending it to him as an amusing and playful “present.”

了解更多关于 D2C流媒体应用开发 & 交付 at 流媒体连接2023.

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