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Verizon iPhone vs. AT&iPhone:我们目前所知道的


的 Verizon iPhone 4, debuting in early February to compete with the AT&T iPhone 4, has had as much ink written about it as any other phone in U.S. 无线的历史.

然而,, 为了所有的写作, new 信息 continues to emerge in the run-up to the Verizon iPhone 4 launch, 哪个在前面 世界移动通信大会 下个月将在巴塞罗那举行展览.

Here are a few pieces of 信息 that have trickled out in the past few days since the official announcement.

Verizon iPhone 它有一个功能 AT&T has promised for several months: a Wi-Fi hotspot that allows up to five Wi-Fi enabled devices (such as laptops, 台式电脑, and even the iPod touch) to connect to the web through the Wi-Fi to 3G data bridge built in to the phone.

AT&它有缆绳, which requires a physical connection to one laptop or desktop, 而且成本要高得多, yet the company has never come out with the hotspot functionality on any AT&T-based iPhone.

现在更清楚的是, 消息公布几天后, is that Apple put a special build of iOS 4 on the Verizon phone: iOS 4.2.5.  Verizon will charge $20 for 2GB per month of service over this built-in hotspot, 使用较新的iOS (AT)&T的iPhone只有iOS 4.2.1).

同样清楚的是,iOS 4的测试版.3.0 out in the wild have code strings and REM statements that provide the functionality as part of this next release.

不太确定的是AT&T will choose to implement the Wi-Fi hotspot feature on its iPhone 4 and iPhone 3G/3GS phones, or will instead wait until the next generation iPhone. 该公司一直对其计划保持沉默, 如果这个功能对你很重要, 想想Verizon的iPhone 4吧.

同时考虑Wi-Fi热点功能, 然而, remember that this is a phone first and foremost, and the history of other Wi-Fi hotspot-enabled phones, 比如Palm Pre Plus, tells us that any call coming into the phone will disrupt the data service. 

对于功能增强, 你有Verizon的3G数据网络, 利用CDMA, to thank: No Verizon phone can handle data and voice at the same time, short of some of the newer Long Term Evolution (LTE or 4G, as it's also being called) that were launched at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas two weeks ago.

的 same is true if you want to talk on the phone and check email at the same time: Apple and AT&T made a big deal about this functionality back when it was AT&T的独家合同. 然而, those ads are long gone, and that functionality won't be available on the Verizon iPhone.

你为什么微笑?? 死亡之握
在经典台词中 公主新娘's fencing match, both contestants admit to each other that they are the weaker adversary. 然而,, 当被问到为什么微笑时, the reply is the same-"because I am not left handed"-before swapping the sword to the other hand.

对于那些使用AT的左撇子来说&T iPhone, the "death grip" has been a sizable issue. 单词是, based on an answer that Apple COO Tim Cook gave during the question and answer session when Verizon's iPhone 4 was announced, "死亡之握"的问题已经解决了.

Other sites are now reporting that the antenna bands, which use to sit in the lower left-hand side of the phone, 在一个左撇子用户会抓握的区域, have been moved to a different location on the Verizon iPhone.

《百家乐软件app最新版下载》 magazine made this a key feature in its poor rating of the AT&T iPhone, so it will be interesting to see how Verizon fares on this particular issue with the next 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》 评价.

而许多AT&T iPhone users have complained about the price of AT&T's data roaming packages for travel outside of the United States, the fact is that Verizon's iPhone will only work in North America, and it's even uncertain whether it will work in Canada and Mexico, which have CDMA but only limited 3G data coverage in major metropolitan areas.

的 question has been raised about the issues surrounding Verizon's 3G data network, 哪个在EVDO上运行, 以及与AT的速度比较&T的网络.

的 answer to this is truly "your mileage may vary," as the connectivity for both is inconsistent around the country. 在&T users, the data network ranges from the very slow EDGE to the fairly speedy HSPA+ that AT&T is now trying to call 4G, with a middle ground of 3G (or 3.5G,如果你对营销感兴趣的话)每个AT&T iPhone user longs to see when they're in a data wasteland (which could just as easily be San Francisco as it is my area of rural Tennessee).

对于Verizon用户, there's the issue of whether one is on the original EVDO network, 或更快的EVDO Rev. 一个网络,大致相当于AT&T的EDGE和3G. Verizon actually has the upper hand on data speeds now, 与LTE, but alas the iPhone 4 on Verizon will not support LTE, so all the 4G goodness in the world won't matter to purchasers of the first Verizon iPhone.

Wait a few months, though, and that may all change, as the rumors of the new iPhone (5?) are that it will either handle CDMA and GSM or GSM and LTE. 的 answer, of course, won't be known for several months, but it may be enough to keep AT&T switchers at bay from buying the first Verizon iPhone 4.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题