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Transparent Caching Meets CDNs at Content Delivery Summit


2012内容交付峰会, held May 14 at the same New York City venue as the 2012流媒体东部大会, vendors in the transparent caching space laid out the vision for a convergence between content delivery networks (CDNs) 和 transparent caching technologies.

While transparent caching has been around for several years -- the acquisition of Ankeena Networks by 瞻博网络 in 2010 is one example -- the recent trend to combine transparent caching 和 CDNs has struck a nerve across the industry.

"Service providers should have full control on their infrastructure,Anshu 阿加瓦尔说, formerly with Ankeena 和 now heading up product marketing for 瞻博网络's content 和 media business unit, who was a panelist on the Transparent Caching panel at this year's Content Delivery Summit.

"It is important to have a converged architecture for transparent caching 和 CDN, because rackspace in the deep edge of the ISP is very limited,阿加瓦尔补充道

聚合方法背后的原因是, 在某种程度上, 因为越来越多的非托管内容, 比如OTT,, 这是通过运营商网络流动的.

"Carriers are desperately trying to control managed 和 unmanaged content on their networks,丹·雷伯恩说, StreamingMedia.Com的执行副总裁, 在最近的 新闻稿 announcing a partnership between a CDN technology provider 和 a transparent caching technology company.  "A converged CDN 和 transparent caching solution allows the carrier to enable a better QoS, 降低内部成本, 和, 从长远来看, 提供创收和新内容服务."

雷伯恩在最近的一份报告中还指出 StreamingMedia博客.com的帖子, that while managed subscription services are traditionally CDN territory 和 unmanaged OTT content is the core competency of transparent caching technologies, "Recent industry developments suggest that these two formerly separate approaches will become more coordinated."

One example of a partnership that's intent on creating a unified delivery infrastructure is the recent announcement between 射流 和 Oversi. 射流 provides CDN solutions for telecoms 和 network operators around the globe, 主要集中在欧洲和南美, while Israel-based Oversi has won a number of transparent caching projects in the same geographies.

With the intention of improving both end-user experience quality 和 network economics, the 射流-Oversi partnership is driven as much by customer dem和 as it is by the potential technological synergies.

"Our recent customer engagements have pointed us to search for a transparent caching partner that would broaden our offering,范德齐尔说, 射流的创始人和所有者, 在最近的 新闻稿.

"We had several criteria for a partner," added van der Ziel. "We looked for the highest performance, most cost-effective, 和 easiest to deploy system. The Oversi OverCache hierarchical grid topology 和 its unique API ensure seamless transparent caching 和 CDN integration."

The reasoning behind the partnership, however, doesn't stop with OTT content. 事实上, van der Ziel sees that -- beyond just a converged delivery solution to meet a specific operator's requirements -- the combination of transparent caching 和 CDN services opens up a new market opportunity for the service provider.

"Our operator customers can now achieve instant performance enhancement 和 network optimization on all types of content,范德齐尔说, "while at the same time marketing their CDN offering to content providers."

阿加瓦尔, during the panel session at Content Delivery Summit, summed up the monetization arguments for a combination of CDN 和 transparent caching services.

"Service providers should be able to optimize the traffic that is not monetizable,她说, "和 also be able to monetize traffic that can be delivered on their CDN. The providers need to be able to provision capacity for both of these use cases based on any given traffic profile."

Scroll down to view the entire Content Delivery Summit session "Transparent Caching 和 CDN: What’s Driving the Converged Offering?"

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


While service providers are rolling out their own CDNs, that solution takes 12 to 18 months. 在此期间该怎么办呢? One speaker at the Content Delivery Summit suggests putting transparent caching out at the edge.

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