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SMW 17: Deluxe的Rick Phelps谈论全方位服务广播内容交付

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体西部2017. 我是蒂姆·西格林, contributing editor with 流媒体杂志 and Media Strategy Principal at ReelSolver Incorporated. 今天我请来了豪华酒店的瑞克·菲尔普斯. 瑞克,告诉我你的头衔,告诉我一些关于豪华的事.

Rick菲尔普斯: 如你所述,我叫里克·菲尔普斯. I'm Senior Vice President of Broadcast Sales for Deluxe Entertainment based out of the New York office. Deluxe是美国历史最悠久的电影加工公司之一, 如果不是最老的, and now we do pretty much every service for studios and 广播公司 around media services.

蒂姆Siglin: Deluxe专注于广播的新方式是什么, 因为我认为对你来说这是一个重点领域?

Rick菲尔普斯: 从历史上看, Deluxe has done a lot of work with the studios upstream in content production creative services, 现在我们正把重点放在广播上, 广播公司, 以及全球视频内容的消费.

蒂姆Siglin: You all made an announcement today for a smart video engine that you'd acquired from Siemens. 那是豪华集团新技术部门的一部分吗?

Rick菲尔普斯: 我们新开了一个部门,叫豪华技术. Deluxe had a lot of legacy technologies that ran to different businesses within Deluxe. Now we're combining that into one platform where anybody can give us content one time and we can provide it to any platform, 任何设备, 现在世界上任何一种语言.

蒂姆Siglin: Are some of those technologies from the film industry that are rolling over into broadcast?

Rick菲尔普斯: What we see is that whole kind of value chain within the production of content. You would typically have disparate systems where you would actually look at rushes, 然后将它们发送到另一个系统来创建这些版本, 然后将其发送到另一个平台进行分发, 无论是视频点播文件还是有线电视附属公司的流媒体. 我们将其视为一个工作流程. 现在你马上给我们内容, 我们可以在路径上的每一个阶段都进入它. Then manage that full service for somebody or let them manage it themselves.

蒂姆Siglin: So Deluxe is one of those companies that's been sort of a holistic end-to-end as you talked about. What's the benefit to your customer of that end-to-end scenario versus going to best-in-breed on a number of different companies?

Rick菲尔普斯: 我认为最大的好处是你可以把你的内容给我们一次, 你的视频内容, 你的图形内容, 元数据. Just give that to us once in your mezzanine format and we'll handle all the complexities of getting it into the different types of platforms and the different types of specs that you need.

蒂姆Siglin: Do you partner with OVPs that do the delivery, or do you have CDN agreements with large CDNs?

Rick菲尔普斯: 我们有自己的CDN. 我们还与cdn合作, but with the smart video engine product does from Siemens that we recently acquired, 这给了我们整个消费者参与的部分. 所有我们做过的. That enables us to now do the full end-to-end where we're the actual OVP ourselves.

蒂姆Siglin: 所以这个CDN或者这个OVP, is that a broadcast-focused delivery or is that for digital cinema and theaters, 或者这在哪里起作用?

Rick菲尔普斯: It’s primarily focused for content owners 广播公司 and platforms as well. So a platform could stop investing in their own infrastructure and just fully outsource their TV everywhere platform or their whole on-demand platform to us.

蒂姆Siglin: 哇. 好吧. 这很有趣. 你对那些说, “We're not really interested in continuing to put effort into our home grown solution”?

Rick菲尔普斯: 这是我们整个行业的大趋势. 首先是云. Now people are putting their content on the Cloud and they see the benefits of not having to reinvest into that equipment every year and run facilities. 它在这个方向上移动得非常快.

蒂姆Siglin: 安全方面呢?? I just did a panel with representatives from Brightcove, Concurrent, another couple other companies. 对于优质内容来说,安全性似乎尤为重要.

Rick菲尔普斯: 这很重要. At Deluxe we have the pedigree of being a highly secure partner with the studios. 所以我们是被信任的. Everywhere along the line we have a broadcast delivery network where we use the public internet to deliver streams and files and we're using high-grade military encryption on that. So everywhere through to process security is one of our number one components that we have in there. The key thing about that as well is now the speed to market that's required by people to get their content. Because the longer you wait after the original viewing window, the more tendency for piracy right? 现在他们在用把戏把窗户弄下来. 有一个平台可以让你更快地做到这一点.

蒂姆Siglin: Isn't it interesting that years ago we were concerned about VHS cannibalizing theater viewing and it had the opposite effect. 然后我们担心DVD会这样做,结果它产生了相反的效果. Now we actually seem to have something that is limiting the length of times movies are in theaters because we want to get it out to a broader audience across OTT platforms first.

Rick菲尔普斯: 你现在确实越来越多地看到了.

蒂姆Siglin: 这种模式已经发生了重大转变, and I applaud Deluxe for stepping from what it used to know into the way that the world is actually moving these days. 很明显, 从你的角度来看, 在广播中销售, it's incredibly important that customers understand not just that you are able to handle the studios in the old model, but that you're able to work with them and kind of pushing them forward into the new delivery model.

Rick菲尔普斯: 这是令人兴奋的. 如果你看看它,豪华做几乎每一个方面的完整工作流程. 我们学习语言. 我们进行合规性编辑. 我们提供访问服务. 真的一切. 我们的全球. There's really one company out there that can do every service and every area of the world and that's Deluxe.

蒂姆Siglin: 是你的焦点吗?, 你去看广播公司的节目,比如IBC和NAB, 流媒体节目和寻找新的潜在客户, or is it to go back to those existing customers like the studios and reassure them that you can handle the process?

里克·菲尔普斯:我认为两者都有. We're going to these shows but we're also going to the MIPCOMs and those types of shows as well because the content owners they really just want to create content and market that content. 我们在那里. We can be that partner that can just handle all the complexities of delivering that content for them.

蒂姆Siglin: 太棒了. 还是来自Deluxe的Rick Phelps. 瑞克,谢谢你今天和我们在一起.

Rick菲尔普斯: 谢谢你!.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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