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SMW 17: DVEO's Nick Joseph Talks DOZER, Lower-Latency HLS

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to 流媒体 West 2017. 我是蒂姆·西格林, contributing editor with 流媒体 magazine, and also Media Strategy Principal at ReelSolver, 公司. Today, I've got with me Nick Joseph from DVEO. DVEO代表什么?

尼克·约瑟夫: Digital Video Extraordinaire Ordinaire.

蒂姆Siglin: 好有趣的. And you're a senior sales engineer?

尼克·约瑟夫: 预售, 售后, and then also a lot of test support and on new products and all that kind of stuff.

蒂姆Siglin: You have a number of products. What are sort of the basic categories of products that you have?

尼克·约瑟夫: We have encoders, transcoders, then we have our own media servers. And then we have ad insertion and then we have monitoring products. Those are probably our main products. And then we have another product for traditional broadcasts like modulators.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 好有趣的. For the traditional QAM cable television?

尼克·约瑟夫: 完全.

蒂姆Siglin: And on the media server side, were you all the ones that took over the Helix server, or the Real server when Real sort of stepped away from that space?

尼克·约瑟夫: 他们给我们的编码器贴牌, so they were using our encoder and then we just used their server at the time.

蒂姆Siglin: Because at that point they wanted to have both the encoder and the server in the same box?

尼克·约瑟夫: 完全.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 好. What kind of new products have you all shared at say NAB, IBC, and 流媒体?

尼克·约瑟夫: What we're showing off now is, as you probably heard before, 我们已经有了推土机, our transfer product or protocol for live. So now we're coming out one for file. So we're going to have a file transfer comparable to the other companies out there to give our customers another option.

蒂姆Siglin: And is it a reliable UDP approach?

尼克·约瑟夫: 是的. 基本上, it’s similar to the way DOZER is now, except this is geared more towards file transfer versus live.

蒂姆Siglin: 有趣的. And essentially you could open up multiple connections and move transfers and like that?

尼克·约瑟夫: 是的,完全正确.

蒂姆Siglin: 好. 我想是拉兹洛, when I interviewed him last year, was talking about some of those things around reliable UDP, so that product is shipping and out there is somebody wants it?

尼克·约瑟夫: 是的.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. What other kinds of products?

尼克·约瑟夫: Well the transcoder and the encoder are not new, but we did add recently we were certified recently with Akamai for the HLS low latency. Akamai is really trying to push down, so that's kind of the new thing. 基本上, we got the segments down low enough to where if someone wanted to have a lower-latency HLS, then they have that as an option.

蒂姆Siglin: And are you running into any problems over a long live event with HLS because of the fact that TCP, that sort of comes into play.

尼克·约瑟夫: No, 因为我们所做的是, we did some testing with us and Akamai and we kind of found how low we can get it before we start to see that problem.

蒂姆Siglin: And where, out of curiosity because I wrote an article called 延迟了 a couple of months ago, where is your sweet spot in terms of segment size?

尼克·约瑟夫: 大概是1.5-2 seconds for the segments, because obviously we could lower it more-

蒂姆Siglin: 你可以再低一点.

尼克·约瑟夫: ... but it's the players side and playing it is the problem.

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的, and especially if there's network intermittence where it doesn't have enough of a catch to play off of. All right Nick, thank you very much for your time. 我很感激.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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