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Next-Generation Content Delivery: The Shift Is Underway


我们行业的圣杯一直是同时向数亿在线视频观众直播事件. That hasn’t quite panned out in the last two decades of streaming, even though some of the tools to do just that have been around the whole time.

例如, 最近的全球性事件, the 2018 Winter Olympics from Pyeongchang in South Korea, 看到了在线观看人数的上升. 发现号的声明, 谁拥有欧洲体育电视网, 指出,在欧洲体育的泛欧足迹中,“创纪录的7600万用户在线观看了奥运会”, and 15 million of those used the company’s integrated Eurosport app.

但即使这意味着“与2018年1月相比,每日视频观看量增长了166%”, 但与欧洲体育奥运转播的3.86亿观众相比,这还是相形见绌, 在一些国家,比如挪威,电视的家庭渗透率达到了90%.

That’s not to say that OTT delivery is waning. 事实上,事实恰恰相反. 但是拥有7600万在线观众是理解这个行业转向在线观看的关键, 分散在不同的平台上,也正在向多种类型的在线内容交付模式转变.


As we look at new approaches to media delivery online, 首先要记住的是,与5年前相比,今天的媒体消费有多么不同. A recent survey helps illustrate that point. 

In late 2017, Qualtrics conducted a survey around U.S.看电视的习惯, 除了传统的OTA和有线电视之外,Netflix和Hulu等点播服务也成为了人们的选择. 这项调查的结果与我们自己的调查结果相当一致 流媒体 当受访者被要求比较OTA直播线性电视或OTT双重提供的直播和点播内容观看所提供的媒体消费选择时.

While the Qualtrics methodology used a fairly small survey size of 500 people, 研究结果表明,在过去5年里,我们的集体观影习惯发生了巨大的变化. 在qualics的调查回复中,近三分之一的人倾向于观看Netflix, while live television was the preference of one-quarter of the respondents, 其次是预先录制或时移数字视频录像机(DVR)内容(16%), and then by other services such as Amazon Prime and Hulu (15 percent and 11 percent, 分别).

Qualtrics notes that two-thirds of respondents said they prefer binge-watching, 因此,令人惊讶的是,亚马逊Prime和Hulu的视频产品在偏好范围上的排名低于直播和时移电视. Qualtrics provided no insight into why Hulu and Amazon Prime placed so low.

As an example of just how far we’ve come in the binge-watching trend, and how live-linear television faces a challenge in attracting large-scale audiences, 考虑到这样一个事实,Qualtrics显示,那些承认看了《百家乐软件》第一季的受访者的刷剧率高达75% 陌生的东西: Almost half (43 percent) watched the entire season in 1–3 days, with an additional one-third (32 percent) finishing off the season in 4–7 days. In other words, the episodic spaced out over weeks and months is dead.

雷米Beaudouin, who serves as the vice president of marketing for Ateme, a Paris-based provider of technology to both broadcast operators and OTT providers, 简单地说一下这种转变, in terms of what this article will cover.

“随着这些线性和点播OTT服务的增加,无论是新的还是传统的广播公司, 竞争很激烈,” Beaudouin writes in an article in 广播桥. “这些运营商最大的卖点主要是它们可以向消费者提供的内容目录, but they must also consider quality of service as essential.”

Lest anyone think the content arms race will somehow slow down in the next few years, 值得注意的是,Netflix, 至少, doesn’t plan to decelerate its push toward original content. 最近一次是在2018年4月, Netflix首席执行官里德·黑斯廷斯(Reed Hastings)表示,他在2017年宣布计划在原创内容上投入80亿美元是不够的.

“[The $8 billion is] spread globally so it’s not as much as it sounds,” 黑斯廷斯对听众说 in Vancouver at a mid-April 2018 TED Talk, 注意的是,, when it comes to choices about where to spend money on original content, Netflix同时关注其他电影公司正在制作的内容(亚马逊Prime Video将花费约4美元.(2018年在原创内容上投入50亿美元),以及它自己关于人们已经观看的内容的内部收视率数据.

“We’re metacognitive about quality,” said Hastings. “That’s sort of our aspirational self. 这样做效果会好得多,去取悦人们,去观察他们做出的实际选择.”


随着这种非常现实的转变正在进行, what are some key components of media delivery to be aware of over the next 18 months?

There are a number of buzzwords in the media industry today, ranging across interconnected topics—from formats, 决议, 从基于标准的名称到基本的交付协议,我们只有几千字的篇幅来讨论这个话题.



The current state of codec dominance seems to be a perennial discussion. Almost as sure as there will be snow in Wisconsin each winter, 编码技术的年度进步将给内容创作者和内容发布者带来重大的不确定性.

We’ll not dwell on this topic of which codec to choose, since fellow 流媒体像Jan Ozer和Dom Robinson这样的作家已经涵盖了编解码器争论的关键组成部分(没有双关语). Ozer已经写了几篇文章(以及2018年初在拉斯维加斯举行的全美广播公司协会展会上的几次采访),深入研究了开放媒体联盟AV1编解码器的细节,以及围绕高效视频编码(HEVC或H.265).

鲁宾逊和我, 另一方面, have written and spoken around the topic of moving past single-codec dependence. I wrote a guest blog post recently on the Wowza Media Systems blog titled 编解码器真的很重要吗?” (简短的回答是否定的, if you have a robust media server solution), 我仍然坚信围绕感知质量优化的创新力量, content-aware编码, 甚至是最近的 上下文感知编码, 哪个以给定设备-网络组合的动态编码流为中心,特定的点播视频资产或实时视频流将被播放.

Given the lead time of a typical magazine article, one thing is for certain: Regardless of what we write here, 当你读到这篇文章的时候,新编解码器对市场的流动性将使我们关于编解码器的断言至少部分过时, so be certain to keep up with StreamingMedia.Com获取有关授权的最新信息, 编解码器的优化, and even the ever-present specter of Advanced Video Coding (AVC or H.264)继续改进其基线优化,以实现1080p60 10位流的高帧率(HFR)和高动态范围(HDR)传输,作为AVC在市场上保持相关性的一种方式.


沉浸式视频的世界, 无论是VR还是360°视频, there are several next-generation approaches that seem to be gaining traction.

IEEE在2018年1月发表的一篇题为《百家乐app下载》的文章中概述了其中之一,” which argues for weighting next-generation stream delivery based on anticipated gaze. 到目前为止,视频优化主要集中在一到五帧的参考细节上,以提高视频清晰度,同时保持低延迟, based around the human visual system, 围绕凝视感知编码的想法是超越内容或上下文感知编码,走向基于神经科学的预期观看. 本文作者, several of whom work for the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, plus an author who works for Ericsson, premise the new solution as one that “aims to deliver high visual quality, 实时地, around the users’ fixations points while lowering the quality everywhere else.”

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