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The last time we looked at mobile 流媒体 in the enterprise -- almost 4 years ago -- it was still viewed as an external service that was reliant on wireless network partners, 即使是内部使用.

与此同时, the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend has left many companies scrambling to craft policies addressing the use of employee-owned devices for competition-sensitive content on and off corporate networks.

但是,流媒体已经更好地整合到企业内部通信中了, without having to rely on the wireless service provider to access the network via a virtual private network (VPN)? We posed this and a series of other questions to several companies in the enterprise authentication, 流媒体, 还有视频会议空间.


这是任何公司都要面对的最大问题, 在考虑移动设备时, 是否在可访问性和安全性之间取得了平衡.

“因为自带设备倡议现在在企业中很常见, 让员工用指尖就能完成工作比以往任何时候都更加重要,肖恩·布朗说。, 教育副总裁 声波铸造.

埃里克·W. 罗尔夫 (右), certified 信息 systems auditor (CISA) and certified 信息 systems security professional (CISSP), 还有一名校长 Equifax的 身份和欺诈解决方案部门的负责人表示,自带设备带来了特殊的挑战. 罗尔夫 has worked on security policy for the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and he had his own security practice -- for which my consulting company (Transitions, 公司.)提供增长战略咨询. 罗尔夫 stressed that his comments are his own personal views and do not necessarily reflect those of Equifax.

“BYOD的发展时断时续,带来了好坏参半的结果,”罗尔夫说. “Ensuring the security of proprietary content on a mobile device that is not owned by the enterprise certainly faces significant challenges.”

罗尔夫 notes that the top four risks an enterprise faces in a BYOD scenario are relevant “irrespective of the native security models of current mobile device platforms (e.g., iOS, Android, Windows Phone,黑莓等.).”

第一个风险是未经授权的信息披露. 当内容被发送到设备时, 罗尔夫说, “[I]t is basically impossible for the enterprise to ensure that only the authorized user is accessing it.部分原因在于安全公司所说的“可靠来源”,多年来,这一直是桌面企业计算的标志. 然而,移动场景需要额外的安全级别.

“在BYOD的情况下, 用户的身份充其量是推测性的,罗尔夫说。, ,因此出现了使用MAM/MDM解决方案的趋势, which seek to authenticate the user and the device at a level of assurance that is acceptable to the enterprise.”

老妈/ MDM, 罗尔夫 is referring to mobile application management (MAM) and mobile device management (MDM) platforms, two types of authentication and remote-wipe platforms that can cover everything from managing an application to wiping the entire device.

The second risk is perhaps a bit more insidious: the risk of unauthorized modification. 罗尔夫表示,这并不一定与企业的流媒体视频有关, but it could have an impact if content such as financial data in a video stream is altered.

第三个风险是未经授权破坏内容. Those of us in the 流媒体 industry focus on protecting unauthorized viewing -- by means such as controlled access, which disallows access to premium content a viewer has not subscribed to -- but spend little time thinking about protecting content once a viewer is authorized to view it.

专有数据可能受到可用性攻击,罗尔夫说。, 并补充说, 不管数据是被销毁还是被“黑客”添加非法加密, both approaches “functionally prevent the enterprise from utilizing the data going forward.”

最后一个风险是最受关注的:基础设施威胁. “Allowing foreign devices to connect to enterprise networks does increase the likelihood of malicious activity on corporate networks,罗尔夫说。. “今天的移动设备比几年前的个人电脑更强大, 并且拥有大量的本地存储. They can be used to launch sophisticated attacks, and exfiltrate large volumes of data.”

声波铸造的 肖恩·布朗 (右) acknowledges the security concerns around BYOD but says the power of devices gives enterprises an opportunity -- and a challenge -- when it comes to just-in-time-delivery of content. “在办公室使用个人设备并不是一种新的热潮,布朗说。, “但它们的功能从未像现在这样强大, 协作, 就像他们现在的个性和普遍性一样.”

“加, 工人们比以往任何时候都更加精通技术,他补充道, 这意味着需要一种实时联系员工的方式. 移动流媒体在企业中的应用越来越广泛, allowing live and on-demand playback of those meetings/professional development sessions/trainings on iPads, iphone, ipod, 安卓和黑莓手机,不管它们在哪里.”


在"不管他们在哪"的问题上,我们和一个 Pixavi, a company with 流媒体 and videoconferencing equipment that must work within the most rigid safety environments.

“Our products and solutions are made for a specific use case in a niche market -- EX and ATEX certified electronics for use in hazardous and explosive environments on oil and gas installations,Andreas Parr Bjørnsund说, Pixavi AS的项目经理, 总部设在斯塔万格, 挪威. “更准确地说, 我们的相机通过了一区和二区环境的认证, 你发现哪些地方最危险.”

“To use electronic equipment in areas where there could be flammable and explosive gases in the atmosphere,Bjørnsund说, “our customers require a special type of camera that is designed and certified in a very rigorous process, 并经独立第三方认可. 这给我们制造相机的方式带来了很多限制.”

Pixavi表示,这些限制包括典型的——电力消耗, 充电, materials -- but also some of the significant limitations such as moving parts inside the camera and flash and light usage. 后一项限制是为了让摄像头不会触发光学火灾警报.

“所有这些限制, 还包括天线增益水平和传热等, 再举几个例子, 让设计一款在这些边界内工作良好的相机变得相当具有挑战性,Bjørnsund说.

那么客户用这些无线摄像头做什么呢,比如 Xcaster EX5000 (左上所示)?

“Our customers can resolve issues that arise on offshore oil installations using video collaboration and communication with experts on shore,Bjørnsund说. xaster EX5000可以流式传输H.264 video to a computer or tablet with [a] VLC player or [its] equivalent, so sometimes our customers using the cameras are able to fix problems without having to send more people offshore, 这样就省了一趟直升机之旅.”

Even though Pixavi plays in a very specialized space, it is not resting on its laurels. Bjørnsund says the company makes sure its products are competitive -- within its strict industry requirements -- by offering a better image quality at a lower weight and more compact form factor. 考虑到故障排除过程中的高风险, he says the products must also provide 6 hours of full operation on a single battery, 必须允许单手操作吗, 并且必须提供LED照明和夜间模式.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

挖掘它! 流媒体视频在采矿和海上勘探

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花了将近20年的时间, 但企业视频解决方案最终将与视频会议工具集成, 大家都赢了.