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Digitalsmiths Acquisition Fills Out Metadata Portfolio


的首席执行官本·温伯格 Digitalsmiths美国正在度过一个忙碌的感恩节. Not only is the company moving in to what he describes as "exposed brick, warehouse-feel" offices in a revitalized part of Durham, 北卡罗莱纳, but the company has also acquired a complementary metadata company.

Digitalsmiths在周三宣布了这一消息 收购Gotuit媒体公司 马萨诸塞州沃本市. 像Digitalsmiths, Gotuit was a finalist in the 2010 流媒体 Readers' Choice Awards, 与Digitalsmiths VideoSense合作.0 winning the search and indexing platform category.

"DigitalSmiths has focused on primarily film and television clients,温伯格在今天早上的一次采访中说. "We provide search and indexing solutions for pre-produced premium content sitting in a file, 在卷轴或磁带上.

"Gotuit, on the other hand, has focused on news and sports, with the ability to do live events."

The combined company matches up well against all-in-one solutions like Pictron which handles both file-based and live metadata. Digitalsmiths没有自己的代理创建, Gotuit也没有, 但温伯格表示,这不是它的核心目标.

"We don't do proxy creation, but we partner with encoding companies like Inlet to do so,他说. "One of the unique things that we can do is offset and re-align metadata to any version of a master, so we can marry the proxy to not only an archive file but even to the master broadcast feed, alerting the live production team to the offset from the timecode-based asset against the streaming proxy file."

本才能嫁老, tried-and-true broadcasting solutions with new media, which have often been consigned to separate roles within a broadcast organization, 不一定是新的, but is a sign of a growing trend we first discussed in a September article about 通过广播公司的眼睛观看在线视频.

"We can certainly augment broadcast master in one model,温伯格说, "but the Gotuit acquisition allows us to excel in accelerating separate web-based workflow for live events, like a PGA or NBA online highlight reel during the course of the event."

When asked about the potential perception of conflict with current partners, with an emphasis on F前廊数码我们在9月份报道过.  Weinberger said the benefit is an all-in-one approach that takes a number of partners.

"F前廊数码 has come to market with DigitalSmiths to bring their tape conversion and content 管理ment of file-based assets to a deeper level,他说, ,这需要提交文件, 包裹在深深的, 一帧数据, 不仅用于内部内容管理, 也可以作为外部站点的打包方式, 无论是Hulu, iTunes, 或其他.

"The Gotuit acquisition allows Digitalsmiths to continue to position ourselves to work with all parts of the media process, rounding out offerings that started with key studio partnerships and key ecosystem providers such as F前廊数码, which is one of the leading content 管理ment solutions."

In the end, Weinberger said the acquisition is all about creating a one-stop shopping experience.

"We're in the business of deep metadata extraction that can drive search and next-generation recommendation engines,温伯格说.  "Gotuit gives us the ability to go to our existing film and pre-produced television premium content customers and offer a broader service."

It's an easy mental leap to see that a one-stop shop could fit nicely in to the likes of a Disney model, where premium film and pre-produced television content would go hand-in-hand with ESPN and ABC 新闻 live television metadata capture.

交易的条款没有披露, but VentureWire quoted Digitalsmiths Director Wright Steenrod, 他也是Chrysalis Ventures的负责人, on the conversion of Gotuit shareholders to Digitalsmiths shareholders.

"If Google or Bing were confined to searching by blog title posts and magazine article titles,Steenrod说, 你就会发现他们的搜索没有那么令人满意. We aim to bring that level of context to video by bringing together two leading companies around millisecond-by-millisecond indexing of video content."

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